Some people seem to not understand how Contrived Conflict is used in marketing. Heck, even brands do it within their own corporation: you cr...
blogocombat ending in friendship
Maybe it's just me, or perhaps it's guys in general, I mean males in particular: one of the fastest ways to become friend with anoth...
bailout emails from Denny's
Hi Steven, Hope all is well. Wanted to follow up on the email I sent you yesterday about Denny's $4 Weekday Express Slam and Bailout spo...
music marketing mp3 strategy and Sound Click
As I was uploading my select mp3 library of Str8 Sounds on Sound Click , I began to formulate in my mind, to mentally articulate in sentenc...
true artist vs approval addict
When you think of "rock star", I hope you puke. Celebrities, in any field of human endeavor, are so 1950s. We are the media now. W...
Eyespot CEO closes his company
Eyespot was a video website where you could collaborate with other video producers by using clips from their work in new work that you creat...
replying to Hair PUddle free music marketing
Thank you, I'm not used to interacting to people, forgive my awk words, very expectantly you find me nowadays anxiously and furiously aw...
The Hair PUddle and free music marketing
In my relentless quest for the Ever New and radical deployments of offbeat marketing, I came face to face with my dream. A band based on ano...
ABCs of High Fidelity MP3
An extremely well-written, interesting, and funny blog post on WFMU's Beware of the Blog, and a greatly entertaining audio by Electro V...
music marketing art: singles or albums?
Str8 Sounds Therabusive Noise Carnival and Str8 Sounds Mystery Prism on MySpace Music Here are some MySpace Music avatars for individual son...
autumn art work 2008
self and society awakening of inner power frozen lab zero alien 13 famous painting alien 35 astronome 12 the great Wall Street bail-out swin...