Your music is just noise
Info Post
Pity the poor critic who wishes to befuddle themselves by saying to me: "Your music is shit. It's just noise."
I smile and ask, "What kind of noise are you referring to?"
I then present them with a drop-down menu of items from which to choose:
static interference
lossy data latencies
quantization quirks
din engines
cacophonic flotsam
detuning debacles
bent circuits
feedback loops
signal decay
maladaptive plug-ins
acoustic artifacts
reverberation shadows
.au format errors
metallic ringings
sonic anomolies
domain transform trauma
frequency masking mistakes
cassette mold distortions
wow & flutter wobblings
wrongful warblings
tape drag
magnetic hiss detritus
volume spikes
oxide particle build-up
disobedient Dolbies
pre-echo variants
drop-out desuetudes
delirious dithering
clip property disruptions
glitch intertwinings
asymmetric modulations
sound defilements
vinyl surface non-linearities
glissando impairments
peak clippings
entropy encoding flaws
Nyquist negations
Surround Sound codec corruptions
shift anisotropies
µ-law algorithm accidents
bad compandings.
They usually leave me alone after I pummel them with the list. It's my way of telling them to take a hike and pack a lunch.
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