Contrary to popular myth, Content is NOT "King." Completely dependent on other factors, Content is actually...a Slave. Many times...
Twitter is where my main content is posted
Just a heads up to my fans and colleagues who want the most juicy and timely updates. My web usability analysis, social media insights, and ...
the Str8 Sounds balloon boy song
Str8 Sounds " Falcon Don't Float So High (balloon boy song) " free 250 kbps mp3 on Sony ACIDplanet. This song was manufactured...
MSM and Government Failure re Balloon Boy
A make-shift helium balloon, with a box attached to the bottom, flies over Colorado. A boy named Falcon is thought to be in it. His father c...
dangers of location based status updates
Social Media experts are violating some of the most basic principles of safe blogging. They do so flippantly, with a devil-may-care attitude...
Ergo Phizmiz, Dadaphone, music marketing genius
My dear friend Ergo Phizmiz , a not so delicate chap, brings you this Important Announcement, re-blogged from his recent MySpace Music blog ...
Busy Signal, band feuds, blogocombat
Blogocombat, ferocious online debate, seems to be surging like relentless waves of confrontation and insult. Attack and deflect. Sideswipe a...
Roman Polanski on To Catch a Predator VIDEO
7 tips on naming your music band
I think it's really hard to come up with a good name for a musical group. Here's some advice to keep in mind when naming your band. ...
This Was Your Life
10 ways to destroy your own band
When musicians engage in blogocombat, it can get brutal. Here are some general observations, not necessarily about any specific band, that c...