It's blogocombat of the highest order. Nothing less than -- the war being waged to protect and defend the very heart and soul of the blo...
Str8 Sounds video submission to Guggenheim
Str8 Sounds "Dynamic Stellar Malfunction" is my video submission for the Guggenheim / YouTube Play showcase . Produced April 20, 2...
Avery Willis tweets his own death
Twitter is a micro-blogging, reverse chronology (first message seen is the last to be posted) status update site. A social network where you...
SEO and small business VIDEO
My old friend Robert Scoble has an interesting blog post -- " 2010: the year SEO isn'nt important anymore? " "Talking abo...
6 Tips on Organic SEO
SEO is Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the science and art, the machinery and poetry, of driving qualified traffic to a blog or website, ...
5 new Twitter terms for your glossary
I haven't invented any blogospheric neologisms for quite a while now, so here's some new Twitter terms you can bandy about and infl...
Str8 Sounds the mummy rises VIDEO
Str8 Sounds " The Mummy Rises + Helium Shell Flash " From " Translucent Glockenspiels " CD.
Secrets of Brown Rice and Soy Sauce VIDEO
(Secrets of) Brown Rice and Soy Sauce