Breaking News
Friday, 30 July 2010

Info Post

Twitter is a micro-blogging, reverse chronology (first message seen is the last to be posted) status update site. A social network where you share your thoughts and what's happening in your life.

Christian evangelist Avery Willis used Twitter to tweet his own death.

RIP Man of God.

He had 626 followers and he followed 125 people on Twitter.

This is a very poignant series of Twitter messages, yet I admire the courage of this religious man. To tweet step by step your progress toward what you hope is recovery, but you then realize is death is quite amazing. I feel sad and triumphant at the same time.

It's like he made death itself become transparent.

Check out the NavPress description of Avery Willis.

What strikes me is how he did not retreat into morbid silence as he saw his end arriving. His answer to the Twitter question "What's happening?" gradually became basically, if you read between the lines, "I'm dying and I see the end approaching."

He never gave up hope. His positive faith is a shining example for us all. He trusted and believed God for deliverance. But it was his time to go. His mission on earth had ended. His expiration date had arrived.

Welcome to your eternal home, faithful servant.

(I promise that I too, if I have access to a computer, will tweet my own death.)

Avery Willis. A true Twitter hero.

  1. From son Randy: My dad graduated to Glory early this morning, July 30. He died peacefully, without pain or anxiety. More info on CBridge
  2. Home from hospital. Tired from transport from hospital, visiting with family and friends. It is so good to be home.
  3. Discharge from hospital delayed because of transfusions.Hopefully, can go home Thurs. God and family are very precious right now. Praise God
  4. Leukemia is back, and the doctors feel treating it will push me over the edge. I may go home Wed to die at home rather than at the hospital.
  5. I have improved a little today. Kidneys are better, but heart accelerating. Pray for heart rate to go down. God is with me.
  6. I am stable in poor condition. Family is all coming in. Pray for a miracle in recovery and/or a glorious homegoing. To God be the glory!
  7. In hospital in NWA but major systems are working against each other and kidneys will probably shut down. Heart weakened. Praise strengthened
  8. I have taken a turn for the worse. Leukemia has returned aggressively. Heart is weakened. Fluid is on lungs. Kidneys not work right. PRAY
  9. PTL! Dismissed from hospital. A friend is providing a plane home tomorrow. Still have all the symptoms of what is wrong with me but Glory!
  10. The hospital will dismiss me Thu. if no fever tonight. I'll travel on oxygen. Still short of breath, A fib is better and pneumonia present.
  11. Leukmia may not be in relapse but it could be neulasta shots. Cancelled our tickets home til I get stable. Feeling about the same.
  12. The bottom dropped out. Sun. nite I entered the hospital in RVA. My leukemia has returned; I have atrial fibrillation and fluid on lungs.
  13. The trip to Richmond went as well as could be expected. But I laid down (which creates fever) & got a fever. IMB medical staff helped me.
  14. I am ready to go to Rankin's retirement in RVA and see my friends Sat.-Tues. I am still weak and have little energy so pray for me. Adios.
  15. The video taping for LifeWay discipleship week went well. Hopefully I can go home tomorrow after 13 days in the hospital with pneumonia.
  16. Progress! The LifeWay taping of my discipleship testimony is on for Tuesday at 10:00 AM. Dr. said I may can still go to Rankin retirement.
  17. I am better and making progress. Chest not hurting as bad. Back pain gone. No fever. Read my for my focus on "Focus".
  18. No fever for three days but I don't feel well with the pneumonia. I'll need to cancel the Rankin retirement & miss seeing friends on staff
  19. No fever last night so am better today. Dr. Bandy brought a "band" of researchers into the process and said they will find the problem.
  20. My doctors have decided that I am dealing with more then just pneumonia so are doing cat scans, cultures to discover where the infection is.
  21. My fever has kept pretty low so I am feeling better. Dr. hopes I can go home by the weekend. Each of the 5 doctors has different ideas.
  22. My temperature is back to 103 and they are still trying to find why in addition to my pneumonia. More radical tests tomorrow. Hurt all over.
  23. X-rays showed fluid in part of my lungs so the doctors are treating me for pneumonia while doing more cultures and keeping me in hospital.
  24. Still waiting on tests but my lungs seem to be filling up and I am short of breath which could indicate pneumonia. Not feeling good on 4th.
  25. My fever has gone down, up and down again. The doctors still aren't sure of the cause but it could be pneumonia or "pick line" infection.
  26. Missed last night because I am back in the hospital. Had to go to emergency room with 103 temp. Dr. said infection was a risk. More later.
  27. Praise God for my Twitter friends. 140 words are not many but they can pack a punch. JESUS IS LORD! Of Everything and every one. 1
  28. What a blessing from God to have such a godly family from youngest to oldest. God is so good. The members visiting us went home today.
  29. The shot to make white blood cells has given me a terrific headache that doesn't respond. Since the pain goes to bone I must be a bonehead.
  30. I got a shot to help my bone marrow make white blood cells so my bones will hurt most of the week. But a great time with family here.
  31. 300,000 look for Christ every day on CCCI websites. 30,000 accept Christ & 7,000 ask for online help. Find out


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