Here's a great example of the convergence of blogocombat, big business, and big government. Caterpillar CEO sends a letter to Governor ...
Harry Partch at Mills College VIDEO
Universal Newsreel story (undated) showing Harry Partch conducting a student performance of his music on his instruments at Mills College, ...
How To Defeat an Internet Troll: a collection of barbs
An internet troll is a frightened little boy who posts abusive, offensive, and mostly silly tweets, messages, and comments, to get you to pa...
12 Tips on Staying Safe in Video Chat Rooms
Young people are connecting in something that's far more intimate than Twitter, blogging, Facebook, Flickr, or texting. They're hook...
Debunking Jakob Nielsen on Twitter
When I made the transition in 1999 from direct marketing to internet marketing, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen was a huge influence on my...
Str8 Sounds rebellious fermentation VIDEO
STR8 SOUNDS " Rebellious Fermentation " from "Sky Flute" CD February 2011 What do want to say to me? What do want to tak...
6 Reasons Why Online Slide Shows Suck
Seems like everybody's using slide shows to present information online. From WebMD to Huffington Post, online slide shows are ascending ...
Str8 Sounds atomic outpourings: random prelude VIDEO
You must listen to this "Random Prelude" at least 5 times to appreciate how complex and blissful it is. Fortunately, clocking in a...
Str8 Sounds motion of electrosound pt 1 VIDEO
Str8 Sounds " Motion of Electrosound pt 1 " Part One of studio performance Feb. 23, 2011. Track featured on "Musical Revoluti...