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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Info Post

Phantom Buffalo is an interesting rock band. I love their guitar aesthetic. Chords and riffs that come to you when you're almost asleep or just starting to wake up.

Great album title: "Cement Postcard with Owl Colours". Check out the song "A Hilly Town" on the player below. It will grab you, I'm quite sure, all that quirky guitar weirdness.

These guys sound a bit like 1969 era psychedelic hippie music.

Very cool, good musicians, mellow barely audible vocals, floating like Flying Saucer Attack type murmurings winding in and out of the weird acoustical electro jams. Delicious euphoric Neutral Milk Hotel genre neo-hillybilly oddballs. Drink some with fresh ears.

Here is the Music Player. You need to installl flash player to show this cool thing!


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