Steven Streight / Vaspers the Grate Presents: "Ban the Anonymous Internet Troll" (17:08)
Why most anonymous comment posters are trolls, disrupting legitimate conversations.
Since they are invisible, unaccountable, irresponsible, hiding in the shadows of namelessness, their opinion is of no value.
Anonymous trolls may sign in with a nickname or alleged name, but they refuse to embed a URL into their names. You can't click on their name and visit their blog or website, to further verify their identity and to continue the discussion or debate over there.
These are immature cowards, striking against authentic personal voices in the blogosphere and social media, depositing their insults and slurs with no fear of you taking the fight to their terrain. They refuse to embed their alleged name or nickname with a link to their own blog, forum, Twitter, Facebook, or website.
Anonymous comments are worthless. They do not enrich a debate or add value to your content. You don't need them. No matter how funny, smart, or crazy they may seem, the fact that they are anonymous means that they are saying things they would never say in person. Thus, they are self-exaggerated, inauthentic, of no importance, irrelevant, non-transparent, dishonest dross.
Ban them. Do not allow anonymous comments to be posted to your website.
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