Listen to internet radio with StevenStreight on Blog Talk Radio
Very weird meets extremely strange. Go figure. A solar ellipsis surface-burst engenders black hole polkadot swirls that have cryptically damaged Robot Land Labs, all 12 top secret underground levels.
Synthetics run amok, mutant creatures slither around, dysfunct droids morph into simulations of lab staff. My female lab assistant, Patti Smarch, may not even be human anymore.
What was I doing, when the super-colliding sunspot erupted? Working on some routine deteriorating spectral summits. My virtual lasso fell into a malicious loop and many hungry mutants started feasting on Russian technicians.
Find out if I can unravel this mess, or will shame myself in a weakly designed and miserably uncertain attempt.
Be sure to also listen to these Vaspers radio theater podcasts:
Worst How To Books Ever Published
Misadventures of a Day Actuarian
Amoeba Mice
Trouble at Robot Land Labs
Rent a Party
Robot Rejects vs. the Moon Mutants
Adventures in Robot Land
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