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Google AdWords for video can help experienced marketing and advertising professionals to go global or go local. This ability to run the option play has enabled Google sites, driven primarily by YouTube.com, to become the leading video ad property. According to comScore Video Metrix, Google sites had nearly 2 billion video ads viewed in December 2012.
However, the BrightRoll Video Network was right behind with 1.8 billion video ads viewed, followed by Liverail.com with 1.8 billion, Adap.tv with 1.5 billion, and Hulu with 1.5 billion. So, YouTube.com, which was the key driver of video viewing on Google Sites, accounting for more than 99 percent of the videos viewed on the property, can't sit on its lead, run a few plays into the line, and just kill the clock.
That may explain why YouTube Product Manager David Tattersall posted an item on the Inside AdWords blog last week, “AdWords for video makes reporting more insightful, purposeful, and beautiful.”
Tattersall said, “Since launching AdWords for video last year, we’ve helped more brands capture the power of sight, sound, and motion in a simple and easy way. Today, we’re helping brands further understand the impact of their campaigns by bringing three new measurement features to AdWords for video that make reporting more consistent with other media, more goal-oriented and just plain prettier.”
Reach & Frequency ReportingAdWords for video now displays reach and frequency metrics in the campaign reporting interface. These metrics give marketers and advertisers more insight into how many unique viewers have seen their ad and the average number of times they’ve seen it, helping them better measure against other media such as TV.
Column SetsTo help you organize the metrics that matter most to your campaign, AdWords for video has introducing the Column Sets feature which groups relevant metrics by marketing objective. So, all you need to do is select your advertising goals and AdWords for video will show you useful reporting columns for your accounts.
For example:
Want to build brand awareness? Select the Branding objective in the “Columns” drop down to see how broadly a video ad was viewed. AdWords for video will automatically show unique viewers, average view frequency and average impression frequency.Want to optimize for conversions? Select the Website Traffic and Conversions objective to see how video ads drove viewers to action. AdWords for video will show website traffic, number of conversions, cost-per-conversion, and the conversion rate from people who viewed an ad.Want to grow your audience? Select the Audience objective to understand how your video ads drove people to watch and engage with more of your content. AdWords for video will show you follow-on subscribers and follow-on views.Want to drive more views? Select the Views objective to understand the follow-on actions viewers take such as when a viewer goes to your channel to watch more videos. AdWords for video will show you follow-on views and unique viewers.GeoMapDo you want to know where in the world your views are coming from? With the new AdWords for video visualization feature, you can tell with a mere glance.
Just select the Campaign tab and click “Map View” to generate a beautiful snapshot that displays view activity on an interactive map. You can even click on regions to drill down to states and provinces globally, and to the DMA-level in the U.S. These geographic insights can help you understand which of your ad messages are resonating with specific markets.
Together, these new features can help you easily compare campaigns across platforms, discover new metrics, and derive actionable insights. Combined with AdWords for video’s ability to run the option play, these new features should help even more experienced marketing and advertising professionals to go global or go local.
For example, to encourage enrollment for online courses, Berkleemusic posts video music lessons and in-depth clinics with professors to give prospective students a true-to-life preview of online study with this renowned school. And Berkleemusic has enrolled over 500 new students from more than 40 countries, with leads coming directly from their YouTube channel.
Or, when Paul Eichen of Rokenbok Toy Company noticed that specialty toy shops were shuttering their doors in 2009, he started looking for a new way to introduce customers to his construction toy sets. He filmed and uploaded his first video to YouTube, and now it’s become his most effective form of advertising with 50 percent of all customers introduced to his products through YouTube.
So, AdWords for video hasn’t started playing the conservative style of football that was once described as “three yards and a cloud of dust.” And neither have the experienced marketing and advertising professionals who use YouTube.com to go global or go local.
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