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Thursday, 24 May 2012

Info Post

Total unique Facebook visitors in 2010? Up 38 percent.

Average daily Facebook visitors in 2010? Up 69 percent.

Total Facebook page views in 2010? Up 71 percent.

Overall time spent on Facebook in 2010? Up 79 percent.

The list could go on and on. In fact, it does. Here’s a look at comScore’s estimates for Facebook in 2010, covering more than a dozen key performance metrics. None of them were down, and most saw significant, double-digit gains.

That’s taken from comScore’s “2010 U.S. Digital Year in Review,” which was released yesterday and is available for download (registration required).

comScore says Facebook is the fourth most-visited US web property overall, with Google and Yahoo still atop that list. Somewhat surprisingly, Facebook visitors in the 35-54 years old age group actually dropped by 3.6 percentage points in 2010, but Facebook saw gains in the percentage of visits from the under-18 crowd and those 55 and older.

Among social networking sites, Facebook’s visitor count (153 million) is more than triple the number two site, MySpace, with about 50 million unique visitors last year. It’s also roughly 6x more than LinkedIn (3rd) and Twitter (4th) had.

(Those numbers don’t include third-party app or mobile usage, comScore says.)

And reiterating previous reports, the comScore report also shows Facebook’s growth in time spent, where it’s the number one site after surpassing Google last summer.

For comScore data specific to the search engine industry in 2010, see my previous article: Bing Search Volume Up 29% In 2010, Google Up 13%, comScore Says.


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