Here, in order of priority and importance, are the content objects that are required if a blog is to be effective and successful. (1) domain...
participating in social media networks
We, in knowing ourselves, must examine our participation in Twitter, Jaiku, FriendFeed, Pownce, Plurk,, Facebook, MySpaceMusic, La...
link recommendations July 2008
I was washing some hyper-links in a usability bath the other day, and on the same day, I found at the bottom of the suds: these classy off-t...
extirpating The Technological Imperative
"The modern self-image rests on the insidious myth that man is essentially a tool-making animal. ...this myth encourages an unrestraine...
What is usability
Usability covers more than just "does it work?" Usability, in the best and most comprehensive sense, refers to the total satisfac...
defeating an abusive boss
Employees and consultants can be categorized into two psychological groups: masochists and assertives. Only assertives will succeed in busin...
Obama and NASCAR
First there was talk of presidential candidate Barack Obama possibly attending, even campaigning at, a NASCAR race. Twitter was buzzing abo...
Twitter Meta Index revisited
You're probably aware of the consternation and shock engendered by my How to Calculate Your Twitter Meta Index article. I don't cla...
self promotions vs other relations
I got in a debate on Twitter today. It's about self-promotions vs. other relations (selfless altruisms). I think most Twitter users cons...
mission critical customers
How does an organization know what is mission critical? How does a company determine product line and improvements? Where does the marketin...
credibility is king, not content
Trust is the rarest commodity on the web, as web usability specialist Jakob Nielsen once said. Its value is far beyond real estate or gold. ...
Information Flow Manifesto
(1) Information must flow in new ways in your organization. You must not resist it. You submit to the flow and grow. Blog to extranet. (2) A...
Texas Congressman John Culberson on Twitter and Qik
Here's a good example for all CEOs, leaders, and politicians. Texas Congressman John Culberson is using Twitter and Qik, two of the eme...
how to calculate your Twitter Meta Index
On Twitter, you need to be Following approximately twice as many as are Followers of you. This makes you appear to be humble, wanting to hea...
social media marketing ideology
We're creating a new media composed of blogs, Twitter, online friends networks, people search, local search, information hubs, peer-to-p...
social media marketing best practices
Marketing in the realm of social media is mostly Not Marketing. By the smart, altruistic use of Not Marketing, you gain credibility and loya...
6 signs of a deceptive marketing expert
Con artists have web sites, and they use many tricks to fake credibility and seduce gullible visitors. Some scams involve a person posing a...
A List not dead, but expanding interactively
There has been a post by an obscure blogger called Jim Kukral. He says the blogosphere's A List is dead . Blogebrities are legend, not ...
blogging the Beijing China summer Olympics
Lindsay Toler, journalist with The Dallas Morning News, is blogging the summer Olympics in Beijing China in a social networking site called ...
Playboy seeks hot blogger for sexist BS
Nice to see Playboy remains a bastion for vulgar, perverted, worthless sexist garbage. Now they're looking for the "hottest" s...